Yesterday afternoon after church and lunch, we all got together to witness a very memorable day in Troy's life. He was baptized in the pool at The Pines by Louis and everyone gathered around to be a part of it. The children and their house mothers sang South African praise songs and Louis gave a short sermon about what it means to be baptized. He explained that Troy has not been saved because he's baptized, but rather because he has professed that he believes Jesus in the Son of God and he asked Jesus to come into his heart to be his Savior and the leader of his life. God asks that we be baptized as a public profession of faith to show the world that we have chosen to follow Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful learning experience for the children, most of whom have never seen a baptism. They had dozens of questions and comments afterwards and we're all hoping that Troy has inspired them to make their public profession of faith and be baptized as well. The children here have an amazing faith in God and it's really inpiring to each one of us.
Congratulations to Troy and thank you so much for the blessing of letting us share this very special experience with you.
Congratulations to Troy and thank you so much for the blessing of letting us share this very special experience with you.
Very, very cool. I'm so thrilled for you Troy. What a wonderful place and time to be baptized. And I know your testimony will be remembered by the children for a very long time.
God bless!
I am soooooo proud of you! God is so faithful! Congradulations!
God Bless!
Angi German
We are so proud of you getting baptized!
Stacey and Don
Great job, I also am very proud of you. And just incase I haven't told you lately, I think your a pretty gteat guy. I am so very thankful my beautiful daughter, my gift from God, fond her soul mate. Keep your faith and God will be with you always.
Love you always and forever,
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