Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Our Last Day at The Pines

- Painted the kitchen and living room in one of the boys' flats.
- Built a fence for the toddler play area.
- Scraped and painted both of the soccer goal posts. (A big job!)
- Tore down and built another wall in the laundry/bathroom upstairs for the kids
- Painted a room at the hospital
- Painted a team mural upstairs in the hallway leading to the activity room
- Organized the chapel full of donated items
- Organized all of the clothing that's been donated in the closet upstairs, as well as all of the shoes.
- Built an addition on Louie and Amber's flat. It's storage, plus a bedroom for Meredith, and a bathroom. (This one is not 100% completed but it's very close, probably 85% complete.)
- Painted Meredith's new bedroom. (90% complete. Just up near the ceilings to finish.)
- Built a heater for the swimming pool.
We've had so much fun since we've been here. We've been laughing the entire time as you can tell by all of our funny stories. We've gotten the chance to get out and visit some of the people here in South Africa and we've still managed to get a lot of projects completed. Our team really came together. Most of us had never met before our first team meeting, so it was amazing to see why God chose each one of us for the trip. He clearly had a plan. All of the men were so knowledgable in construction that they had no problem tackling any projects Brian could come up with. Steve was our spiritual leader. He answered our questions, stayed up late at night talking with us and offering us biblical advice. Each one of the guys were such good role models for the children. They worked hard and they played hard. Julie was here to be the mother. She was organized and on top of things starting even before we left the states. She was also here to connect with Amber and Lois. Wynde and Robin both spent a lot of time with the children building them up and supporting them. They also were very instrumental in making sure we had meals on the table and kept the whole team running. Jamey was here to blog, stay on top of downloading photographs, and generally be the record-keeper for our trip. Each one of the women adapted to whatever came our way that day.
We were all blessed by getting to spend so much time with the children and that's what has changed our hearts the most. The children are so full of life and joy and they are inspiring. Each one of them has a heartbreaking story that has brought them here, but they seem to have a deep understanding that God loves them and their appreciation overflows.
We are all in awe of the Niehoff's and the O'Tools. They've each opened their homes and their hearts this week and it means a lot to us. They have impressed us with their parenting skills and have inspired us with their faith. Brian and Louie have made us laugh non-stop! Amber and Lois always have an open door and have been here supporting us 24/7.
We'll never forget the 21 little faces we came to love here or the new friends we've made. We'll never forget the sadness, the sickness, and the poverty we've seen in the community. We'll never forget how people's faces lit up when the "Americans" came to visit and help them. We'll never forget how good it felt to go to sleep at night having finished so many projects. And we'll never forget who made this all possible, our Creator. God has given each of us so much to be thankful for and we end this trip with our hearts full of gratitude and praise. Through Him all things are possible and this trip is our testimony to that.
For God so Loved the world that he gave His one and Only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16
Thanks be to God!
Funny Stories We Forgot to Post
#2: There is now a dent in the roof of the convey/van that resembles Chris's head. Even though Brian drives these roads all the time, speed bumps can just sneak up on you.
#3: While plastic and glass are very valuable here, regardless of what Brian trys to tell Jamey, the armed guards are guarding the money, not the glass and plastic. She fell for that one.
#4: We spent days building a fence for the toddlers. So far, the geese Troy had to buy are the only two "toddlers" to use it. It's protecting them from being eaten by the dogs. And why wouldn't the dogs want to eat them, they are named Potjieko and Bobooti.
#5: Troy has a habit of walking the halls in the middle of night in his boxers, much to the surprise of the two women who have recently joined us. (Sally is the Ambassador's director and Jan and her husband are Pines supporters and visitors).
#6: Thankfully we did not get stuck in the mines because we had a detailed discussion on who would be eaten first. Unfortunately for Wynde she was the appetizer. But Brian and Chris, who have the most meat on their bones were voted the main course.
#7: We all found out the other night that Wynde comes from a family of ventriliquists. Oh wait... evangelists. It's easy to get those mixed up.
#8: "Mind the Gap" has been coming up since we got here. We're thinking about printing t-shirts when we get home. The shirts will come in long and extra long. We've already ordered Robin an extra long.
#9: Things Brian has tried to convince Jamey of: Some hybrid chickens have six wings. The purple things that come from a mulberry tree are grapes.
#10: While Robin was blowing her nose in the van, Bart was feverishly looking for the water main break. He honestly did NOT know it was her blowing her nose. Clearly he misses his job back home.
#11: We have a faithful blog reader, Kenny Rogers. He and his horse Keith are planning to cross the Atlantic together and come to South Africa. They will be the only person/horse team to ever accomplish that. Robin would like to email Kenny Rogers back and see if we can meet when we get home and she thinks it's great that he's interested in our trip.
As you can see, there have been a lot of funny stories since we've been here. Somehow Julie and Steve managed to escape the embarrassment the rest of us endured. But we're still thinking of all the funny moments and I'm sure we'll remember something.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Our Time Here is Winding Down
Tomorrow night for our last night here the team decided to host a GIANT pizza party for the kids, the house mothers, the O'Tools, the Niehoffs, and some of the high school kids we've met. We're ordering enough pizza for 50 people so it should be a really fun time! We'll write and tell you all about it tomorrow night.
Good night and God Bless from South Africa. We'll see you soon!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Helping at the Hospital

Visiting the Hospital

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Morning Star

Monday, October 6, 2008
Day 6 at The Pines

Happy Birthday Lehlohonolo!
Day 5 at The Pines

After church, we came back to The Pines and grilled out a wonderful lunch of BBQ chicken. A couple of the High School boys from church came back and had lunch with us and played with the kids. They were all great guys with huge hearts for God and seem to all be very gifted leaders. We were excited to meet them. We had Troy's baptism after lunch and then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids. Wynde was teaching the girls (and Bart and Steve) how to make friendship bracelets. A few of them really got into, which was fun. Later in the early evening, the team went to Brian and Lois's flat to watch a video called "Indescribable", which we would love to show you all when we get home! After the video they showed us some pictures of the renovations that have gone on at The Pines and some photos of the children when they first arrived. Some of them are almost unrecognizable, they look so different now! After that we had a dinner thanks to Julie who prepared some cheesy cornbread and some awesome Chicken Tortilla soup. We got a little surprise after dinner in the form of a thunderstorm. It hasn't rained here since April, so it was cool that we got to be here when it finally rained!
We have had so much fun so far and can already tell that this last week is going to fly by. We have a lot of projects we'd still like to accomplish before we go, so we're praying for a very fun and productive week. We miss you all and pray that you are doing well back at home. We'll see you in a little under a week.
With all our Love - Steve, Chris, Bart, Troy, Wynde, Robin, Julie, and Jamey
Troy's Baptism

Congratulations to Troy and thank you so much for the blessing of letting us share this very special experience with you.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dinner with the Kids
We all shared a WONDERFUL dinner tonight at the Pines! The kids, their house mothers, the team, Brian and Lois, Amber and Louis, and their families all got together for a South African meal called Potjieko. We had both chicken and beef and it basically takes like beef or chicken stew. There's lot of veggies in it and the base is kind of thick gravy. We ate it over rice. It was fantastic! We also had rolls and for dessert, we had Rice Krispie treats. (The kids called the rice krispie treats "mouse poop" because of the shape of cereal we guess. Funny.) After dinner, we talked and played and had a really good time together. It was a great ending to a very long, adventurous, and intense day.
Good night and God bless.
The Cemetary

We visited a cemetary today and it was a very sobering and sad experience for us. The photo of the cemetary above is only the portion of the cemetary for very small children under 5 years old. There are an unbelievable number of graves for the size of the area and it paints a very true picture of the devastation that HIV/AIDS has brought to this country and especially to Welkom.
If you have been wondering why it's such a problem here in this area, here's a quick explanation. South Africa has produced a very large percentage of the world's gold. In the hey day of gold mining (20-50 years ago) men who worked at the mines lived there in hostels while they worked. (Some still do.) Many of them came from other towns and villages to work and so they lived on the job site. Each site had a man whose job was to hire prostitutes to "entertain" the men. These men became infected with HIV and passed it along to each new person they were with and eventually took it back to their villages and passed it along there.
In the second photo above, you'll see lots of baby bottles and medicine bottles. It is customary here to put items that the child used on his or her grave. So the child buried above was probably very sick and very young to still have been using bottles. It's so sad to walk along the graves and see toys and bottles and cups and other children's items. It's another experience that is very difficult to imagine unless you see it for yourself. Love is universal and there's no doubt that regardless of the situation, these people loved their children and how sad it must be to see their children dying and be helpless to save them.
A litte way from the children's portion of the cemetary is where the children over 5 and the adults are buried. Most of the children are buried here on Fridays and the adults are buried on Saturday. Every Saturday there is an average of 70 adult funerals. That number is mind blowing and very difficult to comprehend.
It's been a day filled with adventure and one filled with sadness. We are all so blessed to be here in South Africa and have so enjoyed being with the children at The Pines. They are so full of hope, and joy, and love. But today we saw another side of South Africa; a side that seems so hopeless, so sad, and so lonely.
The Poverty is Unimaginable

Living in America makes it almost impossible to understand the devastation that is taking place in other parts of the world. Of course we have areas of our country where people are living in poverty and people are homeless, but this is not even comparable to what is happening here in South Africa. People are living in shanties like the one in the top photo. They are living in these with multiple adults and lots of children. Sometimes they have a stove and refrigerator and a bed. And sometimes they have nothing and they sleep on the floor. Children are running the streets of these small villages and among them are drunks, thieves, and predators. It is common for the adults to steal things given to the children such as money, water, and food. These children have been cheated from a long and fulfilling life starting at day 1. In the Welkom area, nearly half of all the people you meet have HIV. That includes the children who have done nothing to bring this upon themselves. They were born with it. 1 in every 2 people, 5o%... what a staggering number.
The second photo is of a house built at the dump. People literally live at the dump here. They sit around waiting for people to come and drop off garbage so they can sort through it for plastic. They save the plastic because recyclers will pay them money for those items. They also are looking for food. Can you even imagine feeding your baby garbage? It's absolutely horrendous. And most likely they would only feed their baby if they themselves have had enough to eat. It's very hard to imagine unless you see it for yourself. It's the saddest situation any of us could ever fathom seeing.
It's very hard to understand why people would choose to live this life and maybe they haven't chosen it, but have been born in to it and it's all they know. It's difficult to figure out why their government hasn't stepped in to stop the spread of HIV and save the people from living in such poverty. It's difficult to go to the dump and feel helpless to do anything that will make a difference. But it's the reality here in parts of South Africa and something needs to be done.
God has rescued the 21 children who now call The Pines their home. He has given them a new life and a new chance with the Niehoff's and the O'Tools. He has provided for them and loves them. And now He has inspired us to provide for them and love them. There are so many more children out there tonight who are sleeping on a dirt floor, sitting amongst the garbage at the dump, being abused, and being abandoned by their relatives who are dying of HIV. The Pines can only take so many children, they cannot save them all single handedly.
If we could only find the answer to this question... what is Christ calling us to do to help these people? We'll be praying about it and we ask that you pray with us.
May God bless you all and may God bless the people of South Africa.
Digging for Gold

This morning we went on an adventure that I'm sure most people will never have the privilege of doing. We were taken on a tour of a real, working South African gold mine and it was pretty intense. This is certainly not something they would ever allow you to do in the US because it could be a very dangerous thing to do.
The first photo above is a picture we took in our gold mining gear before we went down. Unfortunately Robin was unable to do the tour with us this morning because she has asthma and the conditions underground are too harsh for anyone with any type of medical condition. We had to wear a hard hat with a lamp on it, coveralls, rubber boots, and a belt. Thank goodness for the rubber boots because there is a lot of muck and water in the mine. They use a lot of water for cleaning and loosening the rock, plus of course they need it for drinking. There are a lot of pipes down there that carry water.
The second photo is of us in the elevator on the way down to the tunnel we were touring. We went down to level 6 which was over a mile and a half underground. The elevator was fast though, it only took us a few minutes to get down there. It's a cool elevator that has three levels. Each level can hold 32 people. On the way down, as you can see in the photo it was just our group (and I think one other guy) in the elevator, but on the way up we were packed like sardines in there with a bunch of miners. It was kind of crazy. We couldn't understand anything they were saying other than we kept hearing the word "Americans". Once we got down to level 6 we walked a couple of miles through the tunnels (which have already been mined out) to what they call the "face" of the mine. That's the area they are currently mining. It's wear they chip away the ore and remove the pieces from the mine to get the gold out. Apparently a mine is considered profitable if they get 3 grams of gold from ever ton of ore they remove. We had to crawl up a hill of rumble to get to where they were working. It was extremely hot and we were all dripping with sweat. We were shocked that they allowed us to go that far inside.
The last photo is of Mike (the safety manager who gave us the tour), Steve, and Bart when we reached the face of the mine. You can see how hot they were and how tight the space was that we were in. It was certainly an experience we'll never forget. And it really made us all appreciate the jobs we have back home because there is NO way any of us would want to be a miner and be stuck down there for 10-12 hours at a time in those conditions. It also makes you understand why gold is so expensive. What you have to go through to make gold is very intense and dangerous work.
So that was our first adventure of the day, but there was more... much more.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Funny Stories of the Day
First of all, the men have come up with a new phrase... "Mind the Gap". We won't go into complete detail about what it means, but let's just say that if they say it to you, you should probably check your pants.
Secondly, Jamey helped Chris do the dishes last night. (Chris's wife should know that he is a dish washing maniac!) Chris will not put a dish in the dishwasher that is not perfectly cleaned off. Jamey tried to convince him to go relax and take a break from the dishes after they were almost done. He finally conceded and Jamey finished up. Today after lunch we discovered that she forgot to actually start the dishwasher last night and at lunch we ate off of the dirty dishes. They were so clean when Chris put them in there that we couldn't tell the dishwasher had never been run. Yum... dirty silverware.
Thirdly, we found out today that Robin would prefer to pray to herself than pray out loud. Brian informed her that she might have more luck if she prayed to God instead of praying to herself.
Day 3 at The Pines
We stayed up late last night talking and getting to know each other better. It was well worth the sleepiness this morning though because it was very cool to learn more about each other and talk about how God has impacted each of our lives and brought us all to this common place at The Pines. We each have totally different life stories, but through Christ we all have a similar purpose and passion to do all we can to give back to others what he has given to each of us.
This morning Steve led a pretty cool devotional time and we talked a lot about tithing. It was an extension of some our conversation from last night. Point of Grace is getting ready to enter a series about sacrificial giving and we were talking about what that means. Brian said something that I think really struck a cord in all of us and gave us a complete paradigm shift. He said "We should never think about what we are going to give to God. We should really be thinking about what portion of what we've been given we should keep. Everything has been given to us by God and belongs to Him." That's a pretty powerful way to think about giving. The Niehoff's and the O'Tools are extremely inspiring people and we all feel very blessed to have been given the chance to be around them and get to know and learn from them.
Thanks be to God.
The Girls Sang for Us
Yesterday while we were playing with the kids, some of the girls sang one of their South African praise songs for us. This is a video of Motshidisi, Maria, Ntswaki, Rafiloe, and an appearance by Okuhle at the end. The kids all have beautiful voices and they know a lot of songs. They really like to perform for an audience, so we're lucky and get to hear them sing quite a bit. It's super cool and we're excited to share it with you! Enjoy the sounds of the children from The Pines!!
Photos from Day 3 at The Pines
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Funny Story of the Day
Jamey: "Don't worry, I'll go tell him" (Wynde was busy)
Jamey: Knock, Knock, Knock on Brian's door. "I'm supposed to come tell you that Chris says he needs a concrete stretcher."
Brian: Smiling says "Uh, sure. Where is he?"
Jamey: "I don't know upstairs I think."
An hour or so later at lunch...
Jamey: "Hey did you guys find the concrete stretcher?"
That's when the room erupted with laughter and I found out that there is no such thing as a concrete stretcher. Wow, I'm gullible.
Day 3 at The Pines

Greetings from The Pines! We all got some much needed rest last night and we got up this morning ready to get to work! (Although we're not sure that it should really be called work.) After a breakfast and devotional time we got down to it. Chris, Steve, Brian, and some of the older boys have spent all day tearing down one wall and rebuilding another in what used to be a laundry/bathroom. Now it's officially two rooms - a laundry room and a boys bathroom. Julie and Bart fixed a bunch of carpet squares in the flats and in the activity room that had come loose. Troy dug a trench outside around what is soon to be a "sprinkler waterpark" of sorts with some fountains for the kids to play in. And right now Louis and Troy and some of the boys are working on putting in the poles that will anchor a fence for the "sprinkler waterpark". Troy is on a roll with the fence building today and he's got a great start on another fence to keep the toddler's in their play area outside. Robyn and Wynde and Jamey have spent most all of the day playing with the kids. We've been practicing their names all day and I'm sure we're starting to drive them crazy making them repeat them for us over and over. We're pretty close to having all 21 names down and that's probably our biggest accomplishment since we've been here so far:) Soon we'll be sitting down for dinner. Wynde, Robyn, and Jamey have been appointed team chefs for the week and right now we're whipping up some meatloaf, baked potatoes, and mixed veggies.
That's our day at The Pines. We miss everyone at home, but we're all safe and sound and thrilled to be at God's beck and call to do what we can here.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Rest of Day 2...
You'll have to be patient with us as we work out some internet/email kinks. Hopefully we'll be more in touch with you all tomorrow by email. Thank you for your prayers!
PS... I know these entries haven't been too exciting so far, but hopefully tomorrow when we dig in and get to work we'll have more to write and some photos to show you.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stuck in the Airport
We've been in the London airport for HOURS! We got in this morning around 12noon London time and we'll be here until 7pm tonight when our flight leaves for Johannesburg. We didn't get to go out see London because it's rainy and cold and we wanted to be sure that our luggage was being forwarded to Johannesburg. Unfortunately, by the time someone arrived at the South African Airlines counter to check us in and verify that our luggage was under control, it was too late to go out and see the city. We're bummed, but we're making the best of the airport.
Day 2 so far...
We just got to The Pines an hour or so ago. Everyone is busy eating lunch, taking showers, and playing with kids. We're going to have orientation in an hour or so. We'll write more later tonight, but just wanted to let everyone know that we survived the 11 hour flight from London to Johannesburg and we made it to The Pines. We love you all and miss you.