Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our Time Here is Winding Down

Tomorrow will be our last full day here at The Pines and we spent today feverishly trying to finish up our projects. Wynde, Julie, Robin, and Jamey worked on our team mural in the hallway upstairs. We decided to paint a mural that looks very similar to the room we painted at the hospital. We'll post a photo tomorrow after it's completed. Chris, Bart, and Steve all worked like crazy on the addition that we're doing for Amber and Louis's flat. All that we really have left to do as far as construction is finish the trim and the doors and maybe some plumbing/fixtures in the bathroom. Jamey and Louis spent a good part of the afternoon painting Meredith's new bedroom two lovely shades of pink. We let her choose the colors and she has a fabulous eye for a three year old:) Wynde and Julie are still upstairs right now painting pink and white polka dots on the walls. It's looking very cute! We should be able to finish up the whole project tomorrow. That's our goal anyway. Troy spent a ton of time today working on finishing the goal posts for the kids' soccer field and he also started building a brick firepit/box kind of thing by the pool that tomorrow will become a heat converter so they can heat the pool. (It might be hot here, but the water in the pool is always FREEZING!) Robin has been our most dedicated cook and has made sure that we haven't gone hungry. She's more than answered her call to chef duty and our whole team is VERY appreciative! She's spent a lot of time with the kids too and has been the "homework queen" this week.

Tomorrow night for our last night here the team decided to host a GIANT pizza party for the kids, the house mothers, the O'Tools, the Niehoffs, and some of the high school kids we've met. We're ordering enough pizza for 50 people so it should be a really fun time! We'll write and tell you all about it tomorrow night.

Good night and God Bless from South Africa. We'll see you soon!

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